Teaching first year English composition, a compulsory subject at Queensborough Community College (QCC), can be challenging, especially when trying to engage a diverse student population with a wide range of prior educational backgrounds. Adding a technology component to a course such as EN101 not only enriches student experience but also embraces QCC’s general education learning objectives, and, in particular, the objective to “use information management and technology skills effectively for academic research and lifelong learning,” as stated in its Assessment Handbook. Elements of this objective include:
- Determine the extent of information needed for a research question, problem or issue,
- Access needed information effectively and efficiently,
- Evaluate information and its sources critically and assimilate selected information,
- Use information effectively to accomplish a specific purpose,
- Demonstrate an understanding of the economic, legal, social, and ethical issues surrounding the use of information and information technology,
- Employ technology in research and fields of interest, and
- Identify the role of technology and its impact on the individual, society and the environment. (2011 , p.38 )
Best Practices: Using Popular Media for Active Learning: Engaging Students Outside of the Classroom: Prof. Jillian Abbott, MFA Queensborough Community College (CUNY), HETS Journal Volume 3 2012-10-29 21:23
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