Online Netiquette This document frames a courtesy and respect policy and set of guidelines for students posting comments in their online classes and is a helpful one-page addition to your online course suitable for your course documents section. It’s entitled Online ‘Netiquette’ – Being a responsible ‘net’ citizen in a digital world. The document […]
More Help Preparing for an Online Class: Other CUNY’s
LaGuardia College — Student preparedness quiz Queensborough Community College — What students need to know before taking an online class Queensborough Community College — FAQ’s about online learning
NYCCT Student Readiness Quiz
This self-scoring quiz can help students find out if they are ready to take an online or hybrid course. It was developed by members of New York City College of Technology’s Online Learning Advisory Council (OLAC).

BMCC eLearning Self Assessment
The following site at BMCC helps students to understand if they are willing and able to take a hybrid or online course. Is eLearning Right for You?
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