John Jay College recommends Carnegie Mellon’s “Solve a Teaching Problem” for concrete examples on how to address some of the more basic challenges faced by faculty from what to do if your student/students can’t keep up with the readings to cheating. While the advice found here is generally for face-to-face classrooms, most of the information can […]
Develop As a Teacher
The Center for Teaching at Brooklyn College has a page dedicated to pedagogy journals and conferences : Develop As a Teacher
CUNY Writing Centers Recommend..
Below are a list of CUNY recommended writing centers that offer a variety of advice for students. Brooklyn College recommends the Dartmouth Writing Program
Internet Research Tutorials that May Double as Assignments
The Internet Detective offers a tutorial for students on how to surf the web and find quality information. While the site is geared for students and can also be found under “additional resources for students,” faculty might want to consider incorporating the use of the site into an assignment. The tutorial found on this […]
Developing General Online Research Skills
The Internet Detective provides useful information on how to correctly use the web to obtain quality information.
Developing Your Online Research Skills: Course Specific
The Virtual Training Suite offers assistance in developing internet research skills. Students can choose help from specific college course areas.
“Do I Need Permission?”
A quick guide to the question of “Do I Need Permission?” This guide also offers links to works freely available for educational use, how to obtain permission for use of copyrighted material, and rules for photocopy use in the classroom.
(C)opyright @ CUNY
(C)opyright @ CUNY Practical guidelines are provided based on some of the more common questions that faculty, staff, librarians, content creators, and students may have about copyright.
CUNY Policy on Academic Integrity
The CUNY Policy on Academic Integrity found in the CUNY Manual of General Policy includes definitions and examples of academic dishonesty, methods for promoting academic integrity, how to report a violation of academic integrity, and procedures for academic and disciplinary actions should a violation of academic integrity be found.
Guidelines for the Implementation of the Student Records Access Policy and the Federal Family Education Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA)
The Student Records Access Policy of the Board of Trustees of The City University of New York (CUNY) provides that the University and its colleges shall be in full compliance with the Federal Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) and its implementing regulations. These Guidelines contain the following four sections: (I) requirements of FERPA, (II) […]
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