School of Professional Studies Required Online Course Student Evaluation

While this student evaluation is meant to be used in fully online courses and for the online CUNY BA, many of the questions apply to partially online courses.  Moreover, questions that directly deal with the CUNY online BA can be reworded match individual courses.  For example, in Section V, the 4th question asks, “If you had a chance to provide general academic advice to a student just beginning the CUNY Online Baccalaureate, what would your advice be?”  This question could easily be reworded to read, If you had a chance to provide general academic advice to a student just beginning a partially online course, what would your advice be?  




I. The course… 

Taught me new concepts

Strongly Agree –Agree-Neutral—Disagree–Strongly Disagree–NA

Taught me new skills

Strongly Agree –Agree-Neutral—Disagree–Strongly Disagree–NA

Made good use of internet resources, books and other materials.

Strongly Agree –Agree-Neutral—Disagree–Strongly Disagree–NA 

Was intellectually challenging

Strongly Agree –Agree-Neutral—Disagree–Strongly Disagree–NA

Made good use of available technology

Strongly Agree –Agree-Neutral—Disagree–Strongly Disagree–NA

Made good use of assignments and exams to test knowledge/skills acquired

Strongly Agree –Agree-Neutral—Disagree–Strongly Disagree–NA

Had the right balance of discussion and assignments

Strongly Agree –Agree-Neutral—Disagree–Strongly Disagree–NA 

Will be useful for my current job, future career or future studies

Strongly Agree –Agree-Neutral—Disagree–Strongly Disagree–NA


II. Considering your experience in this course, please evaluate the features listed below with regard to their usefulness and importance in you learning of knowledge, concepts and skills.

 Reading assignments

Not Important at All–Of Minor Importance–Of Average Importance–Of Above Average Importance–Very Important

Feedback from and communication with instructor

Not Important at All–Of Minor Importance–Of Average Importance–Of Above Average Importance–Very Important

Discussions and other communication with other students

Not Important at All–Of Minor Importance–Of Average Importance–Of Above Average Importance–Very Important


Not Important at All–Of Minor Importance–Of Average Importance–Of Above Average Importance–Very Important

Syllabus and study guides

Not Important at All–Of Minor Importance–Of Average Importance–Of Above Average Importance–Very Important


Please rate the difficulty of this course based on your experience.

Very easy:–Somewhat easy:–Average Difficulty: —Above Average Difficulty: –Very Difficult:

On average, how many times did you log into the course site?

1-2 times per week

3-4 times per week

5-6 times per week

7-8 times per week2

9-10 times per week


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